Getting in shape after having a baby

Getting in shape after having a baby

Pregnancy is perhaps the most dramatic change your body will ever go through. You may gain 25 to 35 pounds, much of it in the span of just a few months.

Then, there’s a baby. And often, a surprise: Even after the baby is born, women may still look about six months pregnant. For many, the first question is: How do I get my body back?

What’s normal for postpartum weight loss?

Typically about 13 pounds come off immediately after childbirth, and another 5 to 15 pounds over the first six weeks. It can take six months to a year to lose the rest.

When can I safely exercise again?

If you had a healthy pregnancy and a normal vaginal delivery, the answer may be sooner than you thought. You can start exercising within a few days of delivery if you feel ready, Walking is a great start for many women.
Moms who had complications or delivered by C-section may need to take it more slowly. A doctor, midwife or physical therapist can give personalized advice.

What are the best exercises to do?

Start with something low impact and simple — such as a daily walk. With your health care provider’s OK, also consider these specific exercises:

  1. Pelvic tilt
  2. Kegel exercise
  3. Happy baby yoga pose

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