Constipation – Treatments, Causes, Symptoms, & More

Learn about the causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention of constipation. Discover how lifestyle changes can improve digestive health.
Constipation is a common digestive problem that affects people of all ages. According to the World Health Organization, around 20% of adults worldwide experience constipation. The New York Times reported that constipation is a significant healthcare concern that can lead to complications such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and rectal prolapse.
- What is Constipation?
Constipation is a condition where a person experiences difficulty emptying the large bowel. The feces become hard and dry, making it challenging to pass stool regularly.
- Causes of Constipation
Several factors can cause constipation, including:
- Not consuming enough water
- Lack of fiber in the diet
- Physical inactivity and sedentary lifestyles
- Lack of exercise
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), colorectal problems
- Some medications can cause constipation
- Constipation Symptoms
The symptoms of constipation may vary, but common symptoms include:
- Difficulty in defecating
- Passing less than usual
- Lumpy, dry, or hard feces; abdominal pain and cramping
- Feeling bloated and nauseous
- A loss of appetite
- Constipation Treatment
Constipation can often resolve itself without the need for prescription treatment. Some treatment options include:
- Lifestyle changes such as more exercise, eating more fiber, and drinking more water
- Making time to defecate without interruption
- Paying attention and responding to the urge to have a bowel movement
- Laxatives can improve symptoms in the short term, but use them with care and only when necessary and after consulting your doctor.
If laxatives don’t provide relief and other symptoms are present, consult your doctor; further treatment for constipation may be required.
- Prevention of Constipation
Constipation can be prevented by adopting lifestyle changes that ensure good health. Some prevention measures include:
- Drinking plenty of water
- Getting regular exercise
- Avoiding holding in feces and responding to the body’s urges
- Elevating the feet: placing the feet on a low step in front of a toilet has been seen to aid passing feces
- Avoiding smoking as well as low-fiber, fast-food and processed foods
- Enjoying a diet rich in fresh vegetables and fruit
The National Health Services (NHS) defined constipation as a common condition that affects people of all ages. However, by making simple lifestyle changes, such as staying hydrated, eating a balanced diet, and getting regular exercise, people can prevent and treat constipation. As Pharmacy Times notes, individuals should be cautious when using laxatives and only use them when necessary. Constipation is a manageable condition, and with the right care and attention, people can improve their digestive health and quality of life.
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